How to connect statistics to PokerDom?

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Updated 29.10.2024
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Statistics are a valuable tool used by poker pros everywhere. A person who has access to information and an idea of ​​how to use it will always be ahead of the train of thought of others. In this article, we will talk about the value of poker statistics and its influence on the profit.

What are statistics in poker?

Poker players of different skill levels can use different software that helps improve their game, and eventually the winrate. It is important to understand that none of these programs will make you a champion overnight. However, they can smooth the process; make the whole thing easier to understand and to improve the winrate.

There is no such software that allows you to see opponents’ cards or guarantees a win. Poker is a game where it is important to make right decisions, and poker software helps make these decisions more informative, which gives you an advantage.

Another misconception, do not think that using programs always violates the rules. Many poker rooms officially allow the use of some software during the game, although there are restrictions. You can always read find those on the official website or through the support service of the room in which you want to play.

The Importance of Poker Statistics

Statistics play a significant role in poker. Every successful player should know his stats, including those of his opponents. After all, fortune favors not only the lucky ones, but also those who follow correct poker strategies. These components directly affect the player’s potential profit.

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The most difficult it is to analyze data in Texas Hold’em, because the player’s ability to implement different tactics plays a decisive role in the game. However, statistics are also of big importance here. For example, every poker room that has self-respect, gives a bunch of stats for every player: number of hands, number of hands you participated in, percentage of flops seen (sometimes even for turns and rivers as well), percentage of showdown wins, percentage of hands won without showdown.

This information is useful for both experienced players and beginners. By tracking how many times and using what strategy you manage to make money, you can gain a decisive advantage. Since in Hold’em you should primarily rely on the strength of your own hands when making decisions, knowing the mean value of times you won you would be able to better assess your chances to make money in the long run.

There is also an opportunity to track your opponents. Of course, you can do this manually, but your opponents can leave the table for a variety of reasons, and what stats you gathered become useless. It is much wiser to study hand histories and make conclusions.

If you notice that on the turn a player often folds when pot gets big, then it makes sense to raise and re-raise this opponent with straight and flush draws. You can also do it with hands that are second best now but may improve to the actual best. Even if your opponent does not believe you this time, you still have some equity.

The main types of auxiliary software

Nowadays, professional players use these three types of poker software: trackers, equity calculators, and solvers. These tools help analyze your hands, fix mistakes, study poker mathematics, and improve your strategies. Of course, you can play without any of them, but then you are inferior to those players who use such software.

  • Trackers: collect and analyze data on your and other people’s hands.
  • Equity calculators: calculate the chances of your hand winning against your opponent’s hand/range.
  • Solvers and trainers: help study optimal strategies and improve poker skills.

These programs do not guarantee a win, but using these will help you make decisions that are more informed. A dark horse in the world auxiliary software is hand history datamining. This is a different type of statistics software, which doesn’t quite fit the usual definition of poker software. But there are a lot of benefits in using it, so let’s dive in.

Why choose HisHands?

Software developers have been creating a lot of software for professional poker players in recent years that include data analysis. The idea is that the program not only collects data provided by the room, but also includes such statistical numbers as “aggressions frequency”, “Non-showdown wins”, “Tightness” and a dozen more. All this information you can get by using hand history datamining.

To get statistics on PokerDom, contact our managers via Telegram or Skype. Using this data, you will be able to make more informed and profitable decisions based on the opponents’ hand histories.

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  • Advantages of using PokerDom statistics from HisHands:
  • Quick access to ready-made statistical data.
  • Easy to use data in real time.
  • The ability to analyze the playing style of opponents.
  • Increasing the chances of winning thanks to accurate information.

Don’t miss the chance to increase your profits with the help of datamining from our service. Get access to ready-made hand packages and start playing with more awareness right now!

Nik Maslov Professional poker coach since 2021
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