Flopzilla: How to Use Poker Calculator for Hand Analysis and GTO

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Updated 15.11.2024
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Hello everyone! Today we will talk about Flopzilla, a relevant tool for studying poker ranges and technical analysis of hands in order to increase your win rate in the future. This is a unique poker calculator. An important aspect is that to use such a program you do not need to have a deep understanding of the game and a lot of experience: just specify your cards + board cards, and the program will automatically show you the probabilities of making different combinations. Even a beginner can work with it! And to clear all the questions about this “Dragon” software, we have prepared a short review describing the various subtleties of the program, as well as a unique offer for hand history datamining. Let’s jump right in!

Flopzilla главная страница
Flopzilla главная страница

What is Flopzilla?

Flopzilla is the perfect tool to answer 90% of your poker questions. In particular, to improve your postflop play. The overall goal of ​​the software is to help you study the hands you played to find leaks and ultimately find ways to improve your win rate over the long term through hand analysis and GTO. While Flopzilla offers a lot of features, you probably won’t use every single one of them during every study session.

To get started, open the program along with the hand you want to study. This poker calculator may seem complicated at first, but with practice, you’ll be using the software like a pro. Just follow the steps below, keeping in mind that many of them only take a few seconds of your time.

The main things to focus on when studying poker hands with Flopzilla are how often your opponent makes certain moves and whether there are easy ways to exploit them. For example, players who fold too often to a small raise are prime candidates to overbluff against, while players who bet rivers with too strong of a range are prime candidates to overfold against.

Poker Analysis Software Capabilities

Flopzilla графики
Flopzilla графики

The main reason why beginners and advanced poker players download Flopzilla is to calculate the probability of hitting a given board with different ranges of hands. In fact, this is a multitasking operation, so the application menu includes several areas with the necessary information, here are those areas from left to right:

  1. Hand Matrix.
  2. Board Area.
  3. Range Stats (shows what combinations can be in the selected range).
  4. Dead Cards (cards that are definitely not in the game anymore).
  5. “Hotness” (displays information on runouts, which ones improve the hand/range).

Now it’s time to move on to a more detailed examination of the most important sections of the software. We already have a detailed description of the calculator, but in a separate topic, we decided to put out a step-by-step guide on using Flopzilla for those who have already purchased a paid subscription.

This poker range calculator is only available in English, so for your convenience we will briefly review each of its available options. The working area is divided into 5 parts, below we will review each in more detail:

Hand Matrix

Flopzilla GTO
Flopzilla GTO

The first useful tool at the player’s disposal is the hand matrix. It is a table with different hole cards, consisting of 13×13 squares. The hands are divided into two groups: suited and offsuit. And right down the middle there’s a pocket pair line.

Using this area, the player can select a specific hand and evaluate its chances preflop or postflop. On the right, there is a slider you can use to set a certain weight for a hand (how often you have it in your range). By the way, the obtained data can be saved in text format or as a matrix.

Board Area

Флопзилла ГТО
Флопзилла ГТО

The next section allows you to manage the board (it specifies known common cards). If the user wants to analyze the flop only, this area will not be useful. Here you input flop, turn and river, and some additional data for every street. If you leave the board empty, the system will make a calculation for all possible boards; this will allow the player to assess the value of hands at the preflop stage, when the board is still unknown.

It is also called the statistics section. You can use it to see the combos for several streets simultaneously and make preflop calculations. Here, you can also see how often you can win with certain hands.

Let’s say you think that a poker player with a given range will not always make a continuation bet with a made flush. You can set the frequency of a bet with a certain hand or combo by right clicking on it and using the weight slider.

If you want to get back to full weight, just click on the blue filter. Also, note that after each manipulation in this section, the overall equity of the hand/range on the board changes. Keep this in mind and remember to use it in your calculations.

Range Stats

Флопзилла GTO
Флопзилла GTO

Here Flopzilla calculates and displays data on possible combinations. If the board is not specified, the program calculates how starting hands hit an unspecified flop. Statistics marked with a check mark are included in the numbers calculated for the postflop. The user is the one to put those marks. Using the “Absolute” button, you can go to the cumulative mode, which shows the chances of holding different hands. If you specified the flop, the repeating statistics are highlighted in blue (you can turn it on and off). Additionally, the user can add extended stats for flush draws (2 indicators will be displayed: crd bdfd high and low).

For convenience, the indicators of the statistics section on FlopZilla are highlighted in different colors:

  • Blue – made hands;
  • Green – draws;
  • Purple – mix of the two.

The Flopzilla interface calculates statistics in an autonomous mode, and the system does not exclude the possibility of identical combinations getting into different colors. In the stats, you can use the cumulative mode, which calculates the total number of probabilities of the specified combination. Opposite the statistics, there are separate checkboxes and filters – the latter display user data.

«Dead Cards» ​

Флопзилла как работать
Флопзилла как работать

Useful feature for a thorough analysis of the calculation of optimal ranges for 4-betting or calling 4-bet preflop. Here you can select cards that will definitely not make it to the flop.


Флопзилла как работать
Флопзилла как работать

Built-in trainer for working on your game. To see it you should expand Flopzilla to full screen. The Hotness scale displays the highest and safest cards for the range. This allows you to more clearly understand how the equity of your hands is changing on the following street.

Hand Analysis

The above-mentioned fields are the key Flopzilla’s functions you should definitely master. Now let’s look at their application in practice. Let’s start with the fact that in the statistics section there are three separate areas that deserve special attention:

  • No. 1: calculation of an uncertain board (preflop). It is on if there is a red check mark in front of the stats. The player can add or remove such marks manually, and also switch between the absolute / total probability indicator of the specified range or all hands.
  • No. 2: postflop stats, which contain symbols (highlighted in blue), displaying the duplication of stats. In this field, you can also independently change settings and apply filters.
  • No. 3: hidden stat of backdoor flush draws. You can use it through the statistics window in the program settings for GTO.

Below, as an illustration of the technical aspects of FZ, we have posted analysis of interesting hands:

More Opportunities to Study the Game with Flopzilla Pro

Flopzilla настройка
Flopzilla настройка

With Flopzilla, you can do more than just examine one hand. Here are at least a few other things we recommend examining with this powerful tool:

№1: Single Hand vs All Flops

Do you know how often A6 flops top pair? Do you know how often Ace-King flops a gutshot? This is valuable information that every poker player should know.

Take a few minutes and put a few common starting hands in play (like KK, TT, AK, QJs, 77, and 65s) and see how they hit all the flops. Then try those same starting hands, one flop at a time, and see how each hand hits the flop.

№2: Single Range vs All Flops

This method is especially effective if you want to get an idea of ​​how your opponent’s range hits the flop. You can do this with a specific flop, or remove the flop and see how the range hits the average flop.

Again, take a few minutes to plug in the different starting ranges you would use (e.g. UTG open, CO open, EP call on the button, etc.) and see how those ranges hit boards.

System Requirements for Windows

To use Flopzilla without any lags, your Windows PC must meet the following requirements:

  • OS: Windows 7 / XP / Vista or Mac OS
  • Processor: 1.0 GHz and higher
  • RAM: from 1 GB
  • HDD: hard disk speed from 7200 RPM
  • Free space: more than 500 Mb
  • Screen resolution: 1024×768 and higher

Does Flopzilla Work on Mac?

Flopzilla was originally designed for Windows. However, if you want to run it on Mac OS, there are few options. One is to use a program called Boot Camp, which allows you to run Windows on Mac computers.

The second option is to buy a regular, inexpensive Windows laptop. This is what most players do. After that, you can safely work with tools like Flopzilla, GTO+, and other poker software designed only for Windows.

How Much Flopzilla v1 and Flopzilla Pro Cost?

Flopzilla PRO
Flopzilla PRO

The cost of Flopzilla software is quite small. You only pay for a license key once. A one-time payment of $ 25 will get you a license for Flopzilla v1 and FlopzillaPro.

After payment, we recommend you open the software right away and go to the “Register” menu. Note that two users cannot share a license at the same time. To add a second computer, visit the Flopzilla key request page. Then specify the ID, your registered e-mail and the number of keys you need (1 or 2). Check your mail – two Flopzilla activation keys will arrive shortly.

Some users have problems after changing a PC to a new one. First, make sure you have the e-mail you used for the initial payment. You will also need the ID for the new hardware (a unique Flopzilla serial number). Follow this link to request a new key, which Flopzilla should process within a few minutes. You will receive an e-mail with the Flopzilla activation key for using the software on the new PC.

Final Thoughts on the Software

Using FlopZilla can improve your decision-making at the poker tables. Beginner poker players often focus on specific hands, but this is a losing poker strategy. Beginners tend to oversimplify scenarios. They may ask themselves questions like, “Does my opponent have aces?” A better question is, “How often do they have aces and what other hands do they have in this spot?”

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Experienced players think about hands in terms of ranges. This is an advantage because it gives you more insight into every decision. It answers many questions. How often will my opponent fold to me on the flop? How often will I improve on the turn? You will play more optimally when you know the true value of your hands.

FlopZilla helps you visualize these hand ranges and apply them to specific boards. Instead of guessing at specific cards your opponent has, it is worth looking at the probability of each hand more broadly. If a player raises the preflop from a late position, how will his range of hands hit the flop? How will your suited connectors flop against offsuit high cards? You can get creative and experiment with countless theoretical and real-life poker scenarios. All you have to do is purchase FlopZilla or even try it out for free.

Hand History Datamining

Flopzilla is definitely worth every bit of your attention, but being a professional you can and should get even more out of the game. Integrating our service will open up new opportunities for the effective use of GTO strategies and range analysis based on real data on your opponents. Theory alone is not enough, for real games, you need accurate information, which you can get through hand history datamining.

In combination with tools such as Flopzilla, you will be able to analyze poker hands, adjusting your decisions based on the statistics obtained. This will significantly increase your accuracy in determining opponents’ ranges and making decisions at the table. Use our ready-made hand histories to apply GTO strategies in poker not based on general assumptions, but on real data and gain an advantage in the coming sessions. For details, contact us on Skype or Telegram.

Frequently Asked Questions

To end this, let us answer some of the most common questions from people who are thinking of getting Flopzilla.

Is Flopzilla Free?

As with most of the poker software, Flopzilla is not free. To get it, you should invest $25 once. But believe it, it is totally worth it!

Is there a Trial Version?

Yes. Anyone can try the software for one week. This will be enough to get to know Flopzilla better and find out what it is in essence. The only downside to the trial is that it provides an incomplete version where you can only work with flops, so no turns and rivers for you.

How to Flopzilla’s Identification Number? 

Open Flopzilla and click the Register button at the top of the window. When you get a key, enter this number along with your registered email address.

Can I Use it on more than One PC?

You can install the software on two computers, but not more. If you want to install FZ to another PC, you need to contact support at contact@flopzilla.com (in English). This will allow you to use the poker calculator from two devices at the same time. We hope that after reading this article you now know exactly how to use Flopzilla correctly.

What is the Difference Between the Plain and Pro Versions?

Flopzilla Pro synchronizes with GTO+ ​​and has built-in features that were previously only available in HoldEQ (e.g. poker equity chart, equity matrix, EV, etc.). Flopzilla Pro also includes a pie chart with advanced grouping options for improved visualization.

Is Flopzilla Pro Free?

Flopzilla Pro has a free one-week trial with limited functionality, and the full version costs $25.

Are there any alternatives for Flopzilla?

The main alternatives to Flopzilla Pro are Power Equilab, Flop Falcon, and Premium Poker Tools. Each of these replicates the functionality of Flopzilla Pro to some extent, but no single tool is as powerful as Flopzilla Pro, especially when you consider the ability to sync with GTO+.

Nik Maslov Professional poker coach since 2021
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