Solvers in poker: how do they help improving your game

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Updated 20.12.2024
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Poker solvers are modern tools that help build an optimal game strategy. However, in order to use solvers efficiently, it is important to understand what they are and how they work. In this article, we’ll take a detailed look at how poker solvers use game theory to make predictions, and how to use it to develop strategies that will help you win at the tables.

What is a Poker Solver?

Solvers are algorithms based on game theory that use various methods and principles to build strategies in poker. They analyze many parameters to predict the likely actions of players at the table.

Whether you play tournaments, online, or another format, poker solvers can be a great tool for improving your skills and finding a winning strategy.

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How do Poker Solvers Work?

Poker solvers use theoretical concepts such as a game tree. Classic hand analysis with a solver takes into account the input data and creates an optimal strategy for the game based on it.

It is important to set the parameters for the GTO (game theory optimal) solver correctly. This tool is not AI that comes up with strategies on its own, it simply makes millions of iterations based on the data you input.

What is a Poker Game Tree?

A game tree is a key element of game theory that solvers use as a basis for calculations. It consists of the following elements:

  • Nodes. The points at which players make decisions: to bet, raise, fold, or perform another action.
  • Edges. Connect nodes and represent possible transitions or actions that can happen between them. Poker solvers determine what actions are possible based on the rules of the game.
  • Leaves. The endpoints of the tree, representing the possible outcomes of the game. This can be a win, a loss, or any other outcome provided by the solver settings.
  • Probabilities. Express the likelihood of events that can happen between nodes. They account for the randomness and uncertainty inherent to poker, allowing the solver to predict likely outcomes with higher accuracy.

A poker game tree is the basis of any solver. Without it, the tool will not be able to analyze hands and build strategies.

Data Input for a Poker Solver

GTO poker solver is an algorithm that uses game theory to build an optimal strategy. In order for the poker solver to give accurate results, it is necessary to set many parameters. The main ones are:

  • Poker tree. The size and complexity of the tree affect the accuracy of the calculations. Even basic trees can contain thousands of nodes. The larger the tree, the more time it takes to calculate the simulation.
  • Game type. Specify the type of poker, for example: Texas Hold’em, Omaha or Stud.
  • Hand ranges. Specify the ranges of cards for all players in the hand, including opponents. Usually you input ranges for two players: Out of Position (OOP) and In Position (IP).
  • Board. In hands where the game went postflop and common cards are available (flop, turn, river), you must specify them. This significantly affects the outcomes.
  • Stack sizes. Specify the stack sizes of all players, including your own.
  • Position. Enter your position at the table (early, middle, or late), as the strategy depends on it.
  • Pot Size. Enter the starting pot.
  • Bet Sizes. Enter the possible options for different spots and bet sizes.
  • Pot Odds. Calculate and enter the pot odds based on the current pot size and bet.
  • Player Tendencies. Poker solvers allow you to take into account the playing styles of your opponents. Some programs support downloading hand histories of online games or TV hands. For example, if your opponent often donks or plays aggressively preflop, the solver will help you take this into account in your strategy.
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Limitations of Poker Solvers

Despite obvious advantages, poker solvers also have their limitations. To use them successfully, it is important to understand their weaknesses.

Hands with More than Two Players

Solvers do worse in hands where there are more than two players in the pot (multiway pots). Some solvers do work with multiway pots still, it’s just that the results are not as precise.

Incorrect Parameters

Poker solvers are extremely sensitive to data input. Even a small error in the parameters will lead to completely incorrect strategies. Therefore, it is important not only to choose the right parameters, but also to make sure they are accurate.

Amateurs and Recreational players

Solver solutions are mostly applicable against pros. They may incorrectly interpret the actions of inexperienced players, since they often act outside the logic of GTO poker.

Low-stakes Games

Most solvers are designed for high stakes games. When analyzing low or mid stakes games, the program may not take into account all the possibilities.

Other Limitations

  • High computing complexity. Even simple hands require powerful hardware to calculate simulations. The calculation time may be too long for real-time use.
  • Assumption of clairvoyance. Poker solvers operate on the idea that all players know their opponents’ ranges and cards, which is impossible in real play.
  • Static tree and strategies. Solvers assume that players stick to a single strategy throughout the hand. However, in real play, strategies change depending on the situation.

Using a solver requires careful consideration and an understanding of its limitations to maximize its usefulness. 

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What Poker Solvers Can Do for You

Many poker players believe that a solver is the perfect tool that solves all their problems (no pun intended). However, in practice, its use in real games is quite limited due to the peculiarities of the program.

So, how can a poker solver be useful to you? Here are the key points:

  1. A solver cannot be used during a game. Most poker sites consider this to be cheating. In addition, the program requires significant computing power and time to analyze even one spot. This makes it inapplicable in real time.
  2. A solver will help you study poker outside the tables. You will be able to analyze certain situations to understand which strategies are most effective. This will allow you to reproduce similar actions in real games.
  3. A solver works on the basis of statistics and probabilities. It will not give a clear answer on what to do in a particular situation. Instead, you will receive recommendations, for example: “in 50% of cases you need to do X, and in 50% – Y”. The choice is yours.

Does a GTO Solver Help Improve Your Game?

Yes, absolutely! Once you understand how the program works, it will become a great assistant in learning and improving strategies. The solver allows you to see alternative approaches that may differ from your usual actions.

From preflop to the river, GTO poker solver helps you analyze the game, discover new opportunities and improve your game style.

Solvers will become even more effective if you use them in conjunction with modern tools such as HisHands and MagicSeat. Let’s go into detail about this one.

HisHands service provides hand histories, collecting information about your opponents’ games. This allows you to set parameters that are more precise for the solver, including real hand ranges and player tendencies. As a result, the analysis of hands with the solver becomes as detailed and close to real game conditions as possible, which helps you better understand the strategy and make more informed decisions.

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MagicSeat, in turn, automates the process of choosing and joining at the tables. This tool analyzes the current situation in the poker room and helps you instantly take the most advantageous positions at the tables. Such automation saves time and effort, allowing you to focus on the game itself, rather than on finding a suitable table.


Poker solvers are a useful tool for players who want to improve their skills. They help analyze the actions of opponents and develop strategies for successful play.

However, it is important to remember that poker solvers are not a magic wand. It will not give an exact answer to the question of how a particular hand has to play out. Therefore, professional players use it for training purposes, but do not blindly follow all the recommendations. A solver is just a tool, and its effectiveness depends on how you use it.

And if you want to back up your results, use HisHands to collect accurate data. This approach will provide you with maximum efficiency and deep strategic development. For more details, reach us on Telegram and Skype.

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