Playing several poker tables at the same time (multi-tabling) is one of the best ways to master basic strategy, practice hand analysis and increase your hourly income. Let’s figure out what multi-tabling in poker is and what its pros and cons are. Also in this article, we will talk about MagicSeat and HisHands – tools that will greatly help you during poker sessions. Let’s jump right into it!
Multi-Tabling in Poker
Multi-tabling is playing multiple online poker tables at the same time. A player switches between them, making moves when it’s his turn. This is the kind of multitasking that beginners dream about, and it is quite possible to achieve.
Multi-tabling is most often used in low- or micro-stakes cash games. However, multi-tabling in poker can also be used in online tournaments to increase your chances of winning.
Advantages of Multi-Tabling
Playing multiple tables at the same time has several advantages:
- Increases your hourly win rate.
- The ability to analyze more hands, which helps you master poker skills faster.
- Access to more opponents and a variety of playing styles, which gives you more practice.
- Minimizes the time you have to wait for your turn.
- Dynamic gameplay that keeps your attention.
Disadvantages of Multi-Tabling
However, this approach also has its downsides that are worth considering:
- A large number of hands to analyze can lead to fatigue.
- Increased strain on the bankroll due to many pots played and blinds posted.
- Risk of mistakes due to miss clicks or depleted time banks.
- Less time for statistics analysis and decision-making, which adds stress.
- Decreased quality of play, since critical analysis is not always possible at every table, and decisions may not be the most optimal.
Many professional and amateur players use the multi-tabling approach to make the most of their time. This is especially popular among poker streamers, who often play at several tables at the same time.
Before Playing Multiple Tables, Master One
It’s best to start slow and steady. If you’re having trouble following the action at one or two tables, don’t add more. Gradually work your way up to playing more than one table: 2, 3, and so on. If you start to feel too stressed, reduce the number of tables, or you’ll make bad decisions. This will damage your poker bankroll, which is obviously the opposite of what you want to achieve by adding more tables. If you’re feeling overwhelmed in the middle of a session, just relax and play ABC poker.
Prioritize Tables
It doesn’t matter if you’re playing 2-3 tables or 10, when the decisions start to pile up, you need to be able to prioritize. You need to be able to quickly recognize which decisions are easy and which require more thought.
You’ll rarely be faced with several tough decisions at once in a poker session. More often than not, you will be faced with one tough decision and several easy ones.
What you should do is recognize a table where you face a tough decision, and give it your whole attention. Then move to other tables and make easy preflop raise/fold/call decisions where analysis is not required.
A good multi-tabler can think deeply about a situation at one table and simultaneously act in completely different situations at other tables.
Know your Limits
Never play too many tables, you need to be in a comfort zone! This advice is equally relevant for both pros and those who are just learning the game. Every poker player has their own limit, that is, the maximum number of tables that they can effectively play and remain profitable.
Once you have clearly defined your limit, strictly adhere to it. If you open too many tables and “autopilot” every spot, this will inevitably lead to a decrease in the quality of your play. Then your playing style and, ultimately, profit, will suffer significantly. Prevent it from happening by just playing a reasonable amount of tables. Autopilot in multi-tabling is inevitable to a certain extent, but if you hand over control entirely to your subconscious, it will cost you a pretty penny.
Table Selection is Paramount!
When playing several tables at the same time, the situation can become quite tense. The constant need to make decisions almost every second can lead to the fact that you stop paying attention to the choice of tables (table selection).
And this is a serious mistake! Tables could and should be selected carefully, even if you play a lot of them at once. There is no point in playing the bad table, where many opponents are professionals, when hundreds of softer other games are available at any time.
The MagicSeat software will help you choose tables wisely, without being distracted by those that you are already playing. This is auxiliary software that finds soft tables for you, which will have a positive effect on your poker sessions. Thanks to the full automation of the process, you will increase your win rate, focus on the game and start earning more consistently. This is one of the top software for multi-tabling that cannot be ignored if you want to increase your winrate.
We are confident in the quality of MagicSeat and can guarantee its effectiveness. The developers note that if you find a script that works faster than MagicSeat, they will pay for a month of using the service. By the way, the first 10 days are completely free, so if you are an active cash game player, do not miss this opportunity!
5 Tips for Effective Multi-Tabling
Multi-tabling is an important skill for online poker players looking to increase their income. It may seem difficult at first, but with time and some tweaks, you will be able to effectively manage multiple tables and increase your hourly win rate. Here are the top 5 tips to help you get started:
- Use a four-color deck. Switch to a deck where the suits are marked with four different colors: hearts are red, spades are black, clubs are green, and diamonds are blue. This format allows you to quickly recognize flush draws and avoid mistakes in tense situations. It may be unusual at first, but this will become essential for quick decision-making.
- Keep your table layout simple. Avoid flashy and distracting table layouts. Opt for minimalist themes that don’t distract you from the game. A clean interface, like PokerStars, will help you keep track of the action.
- Take notes on players. You won’t be able to keep track of every detail at every table, so focus on key hands and take quick notes. For example, noting “Check-raise flop with combo draw” is more useful than something like “Opponent hit a flush again.” These notes will help you make decisions that are more informed if you face that player again.
- Customize your table arrangement. Try different table arrangements: overlay or tiled — whatever works best for you. If you play tournaments, it’s a good idea to sort your tables by blind level, with the big blinds in the top left and the smaller blinds in the bottom right. This will help you not to miss important moments.
- Use a fixed seat at the table. Many poker platforms allow you to set a “preferred seat” so that you always sit in the same position on the screen. This reduces confusion and speeds up your actions, especially when you have to make decisions at multiple tables at once.
By applying these tips, you can improve your multi-tabling, increasing your chances of winning with each hour you play.
Additional Opportunities with HisHands
Well, now you know how to play several tables at the same time. And to be able to maximize profit from your session, be it MTT or CASH, check out our convenient HisHands service. It provides hand histories, simplifying the analysis of opponents and the choice of profitable situations. Hand history mining is provided for the following rooms:
- PokerStars.
- GGPokerOK.
- Chico Poker Network.
- Winning Poker Network.
- 888Poker.
- PokerBros.
- Winamax.
- WPT Global
- CoinPoker
Thus, if you play in these rooms, you will also be able to get a ready-made hand history database on your opponents. This will give you an idea of the level of your opponents and allow you to make more informed decisions. And if you want to know more about the HisHands service, contact us via Telegram and we will respond within 2 minutes. Contact us today!