Выигрыш в покереPoker
Squeeze in poker: what is it, tips on using it
Aggressive plays and exploitation of passivity are the basis of any successful poker strategy. One of the key tactics within this approach is a squeeze
Правила выбора размера ставок в покереPoker
Micro-stakes in poker: strategy, advice, how to beat
While the most famous poker wins are usually associated with high stakes, low ones (the so-called micro-stakes) remain popular among a large number of amateurs.
Кэш покерPoker
What are note in online poker and why are they needed
Taking notes is an essential skill in poker that allows players to learn from their/others’ mistakes and gain a significant advantage over their opponents in the future.
Сайзинг в покереPoker
Continuation Bet in Poker (C-bet)
A continuation bet or c-bet is one of the strongest, simplest and most overrated techniques all at the same time. Many players use it ineptly, extracting
Как пробить игрока в покерPoker
Poker schools: how to choose one
Poker is one of the most difficult card games, where success depends not so much on luck as on the skill and experience of the player. No matter how lucky
Техасский холдемPoker
Imrpoving Winrate in Poker through Intelligent Table and Opponent Selection
In the world of poker, proper table selection can be decisive for beginners and experienced players alike. This strategy involves choosing games where
Ranges in Poker: Definition, Examples, Charts
The biggest challenge for players when learning the game of poker is to read their opponents’ hands. Many beginners try to guess the exact two cards their
magicseat one007Poker
Poker Auto-seating Scripts Review: MagicSeat and One007
In the following review, we will briefly go over poker auto-seating scripts that remain relevant and irreplaceable assistants for regulars to this day
Лучшие руки в покере и чартыPoker
Best Poker Hands and Charts. Why It’s Important to Know
What are we talking about? The best hands in poker are of course the highest ones, which are Aces and Kings. However, this knowledge is not enough to successfully
Художественные и документальные фильмы про покерPoker
Documentaries and fiction movies about poker
Why are they interesting? Poker movies entertain people with interesting plots and twists, while also making them think of gambling psychology and the
Nik Maslov Professional poker coach since 2021
Nik Maslov prints ...
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